July 24, 2010

Update from the North

Over the last few weeks I've had the pleasure and joy to ride around the Swedish countryside on a borrowed bicycle (thanks to my sister-in-law who kindly and bravely has let me use her bike). It really has been wonderful to jump on a bike in the middle of all the busy things one does while travelling around. Trips to beaches, and general exploration (read getting lost) escapades into the summery countryside. I won't bore you with all the details of the 350km I've clocked up so far, but a few interesting things may be fun to add:

  1. Cycle on the 'right' side of the road (not left) - this was very tricky in the beginning especially for someone as un-coordinated with left and right as I am... I had one very close shave with a lady on a bike (on a cycle path mind you) where I practically ran the poor thing down trying to decide which side I had to pass her on.
  2. Cars really do leave room for cyclists - I've marvelled at cars (and trucks) giving me so much room when they overtake that they're actually driving on the wrong side of the road! Calls for a friendly wave each time :)
  3. Bikes - lots of people ride them - they ride to work, to school, to the shops - which means every public place is full of bicycle stands. Kids on bikes, old ladies on bikes - they really are everywhere :)

One road I've travelled a fair bit is a long flat 25km stretch of country road (destination: red farmhouse by the forest where my husband was born). On one hand the flat road gives a fabulous opportunity to take in the surroundings, but then there is the WIND (no hiding from a strong wind on a flat open road...).Riding to the farm generally involves a steady head wind (buckle down and pedal hard), while the trip back to town is a blow-in experience and delightfully zippy ride :)

pretty narrow shoulder here...

photo opportunity on the long straight road

Must say it was delightful to read about Amanda and Matt's ride the other week! Hope you're all well and I look forward to more bunny rides in a very short time indeed!

Annette :)

1 comment:

  1. I would have to second the 'cycle-friendly' environment; however, if you want a REALLY cycle-friendly environment, you must visit Copenhagen. It is unbelievable. Even trains are built to take cyclists and their bikes!


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