January 25, 2010

1st Bunny-ride for 2010

The Ride
18th January 2010 - Gosford Pool to Umina return 

Distance cycled - 50.2km
Speed - 16.5 km/h average 50.7 km/h max
Heart rate - 113 average 170 max
Calories burnt - 1440
Time - 4 hours 19 min incl stops

... and here's the adventure seen from the saddle of bunny Amanda:

An interesting article prompted me to write about our last bike ride from Gosford Pool to Umina Beach and back –

"...It seems to have escaped the attention of a lot of bicycle riders that it is a shared path for pedestrians and cyclists. It has also escaped their attention (to put it politely) that pedestrians do not have eyes in the back of their heads…"

I had a chuckle at this because we were cycling along this very path when an older lady (who I may add was right in the centre of the path) shouted at Annette ‘Would you like to cycle over me’ – Annette as usual was totally oblivious to this and had no idea the comment was aimed at her. Whilst I admit cyclists do (sometimes) need to be more conscious of pedestrians the same can be said of pedestrians who think they can take up the whole path and expect us wonderful health fanatics to veer into the grass and wave politely at them as if they were royalty………… there, I have had my whinge – now its all over!!!!!!!!!

This was actually a delicious ride, perfect weather and perfect company – Lou as usual up for a pose wherever she could and Annette laughing her merry way around the track. I surprisingly had a hangover and was not feeling to hot when I started but after a dodgy start I was raring to go (especially at the end when I discovered I had burnt 1000 calories).

Our first giggle of the day started when Lou told us that she wanted to go to the toilet even before we had started riding and that she wanted to go to the bike shop and get a stand on her bike. ‘No way’ I screeched – it will take hours and I was on a time limit. Dejectedly she cycled past the bike shop dreaming of her missed chance.

Posing bunny on our first stop

... more posing :)

Bunny Amanda in Woy Woy

Shortly after, Annette and I chuckled at the most intense cyclist we have ever seen – about 50 years of age with his lips tightly pursed and his eyebrows furrowed doing about 10kms – at least he was giving it a go!

Then we cycled along the beautiful Brisbane Waters to the end of Umina Beach where Annette and Lou both leaned their bikes up against the showers (no stand see) making it virtually impossible for any beach goer to have a shower.

We've reached our half-way mark

Note the bike having a shower...

3 beach bunnies

Acting like little pigs we stuffed our faces and then headed off to Woy Woy for coffee where Lou once again not missing a shopping opportunity headed over to ‘maybe do a little shop’. Annette couldn’t decide whether she wanted coffee here because last time we came, a little child had pooed in the toilets and you could smell it outside – too funny!!!!!!!! And no funny smells this time!

Posing coffee drinkers...

Back on our bikes and off home where I stopped every five minutes to see if I had got my dream job as Web Author at Sanitarium but alas I did not get the phone call til later in the afternoon and it was negative!

The beautiful waterfront ride!

Start gearing up for the 50km cycle from Cronulla to Homebush in the Go Girl Challenge March 6

Amanda :)

Holiday Wrap

Well bunnies... it's been a while since our last post, what with school holidays and the silly season throwing all sorts of time-juggling challenges into the mix. Although we haven't quite managed to maintain our weekly bunny rides, I've done a few (shorter) solo rides, and we've also had some exciting adventures with mini riders, so I thought I'd quickly update you on these before plunging into our exciting new year of riding....

Adcock Park to Point Clare return
This ride was a true adventure! 8 kids and 4 mums met up at Adcock Park on a slightly overcast (becoming HOT) January Friday morning. Having managed the feat of wrangling 12 bicycles out of 4 cars we set off in (impressive) single file, cruising down the pathway from Adcock park. The short "close to traffic" stretch across the bridge and down past the RSL, had one of our mini-bikers miffed, as the fence decided to have a lend of her handlebars (how very rude indeed)!! It was quickly decided (by mini-biker) that it was all the bike's fault... so bike ended up in the corner of shame, padlocked to the fence, while mini-biker got the escalated and more comfortable position riding on the back of mum's bike....

Once we were on the waterfront pathway, all was going very cruisy and quite speedy until the first stack of the day landed our next mini-biker on her nose... Luckily mum had brought pain-killers (chocolate gold coins definitely work!) which saw our brave little champion back in the saddle sporting 2 band-aids and a smile, ready to conquer the rest of the ride. We rode on past Point Clare to the most perfect picnic spot, where we took a break and had our snacks before pedalling back the same way.

On the way back there was another stop thrown in at the play ground in West Gosford, before it was time to cruise on back to the starting point. Once back at Adcock park we snuck on to the velodrome for a few laps to wrap up our adventure. All up it was a success with kids managing beautifully and the weather (although quite hot at the end) holding up nicely.

Riding Stats:
Distance Covered - 13 km
Maximum Speed - 34.5 km/h
Average Speed - 11.3 km/h
Active Riding Time - 1 hour 5min
Adventure Total Time - 3 hours 35 min
Calories Burnt - 570
Heart Rate - 85 average 166 max
Band-Aids - 2
Sunscreen - Plenty

Well done to all of you! :)

Velo Ride in Adcock Park

A sunny Saturday afternoon, the kids and I took our bikes down to the velodrome where we rode around and around.... and around :) It was a thrill! The surface is great to ride on and can be a perfect training-course when you just want to zone out and do something different to undulating hills and flats. Kids loved it and set up a pit stop at the beginning of the lap (with water bottles secured to the fence for refreshment). There was ample commentating of the event, which could be heard all the way around the track...
"... putting in that extra pedal power as I come up behind one of the track champions... will I make it past? The crowd is looking... legs are hurting... the ULTIMATE pedal technique is going to get me past.... Oh look there's a bird! I think it's watching, yes it is! Oh maybe it's going to do the long-jump... you know some birds are very good at the long-jump! I can see the pit stop coming up.... I swerve, I dodge.... skid to a stop.... grab my drink bottle.... PERFECT!...."

We finished off our lap-adventure by hanging and stretching on the poles rigged up just outside the velodrome, happy to do a repeat performance of this one any time :)

Riding Stats:
Distance Covered - 16 km
Maximum Speed - 31.5 km/h
Average Speed - 21.5 km/h
Active Riding Time - 45 min
Adventure Total Time - 1 hours 15 min
Calories Burnt - 533
Heart Rate - 129 average 169 max
