May 31, 2010

Cruising to Woy Woy

Another adventure along our well travelled path to Woy Woy, narrated by bunny Amanda; enjoy :)

The Ride Stats

Bunnies on board: Amanda and Annettte
Meeting place: Near Adcock Park
Distance cycled: 28.2km
Time spent cycling: 1 hour 40 min
Total adventure time: 2 hours 10 min
Calories burnt: 895
Heart rate: 119 average 173 max
Speed: 16.1 km/h average 47.6 km/h max

Being caged up in the rain certainly made Annette and I somewhat keen to get back on our bikes – even though Annette had just completed the 100km challenge. With somewhat dubious weather, as soon as we saw a break in the clouds we jumped on our bikes and set off on a gentle ride to Woy Woy and back. We passed lots of happy cyclists along the way and had a couple of laughs as Annette and I put tissue paper in our ears to try and stop the wind from giving us headaches, but Annette had to take them out because she felt like she was cycling underwater. We came across a large amount of dog poo on the path which set Annette off on a rave about ‘why didn’t they just let their dogs shit in their lounges and how rude they were.’ It WAS rather a large poo!

The detrimental tissues in ears 

At our usual coffee stop at Gnostic Manna, we run into Ann Maree and some rather unusual characters. While ordering coffee Annette gets into a funny conversation with a cyclist:

Cyclist comes to a halt on the pavement and asks Annette "How are you feeling?".... "Good Good" she replies, whereby cyclist exclaims: "Well I'm feeling GREAT now that I've STOPPED!" 
Then we see a large array of weirdo’s. First of all, a man dressed in full on ski-like attire starts chatting to Annette’s new cycle friend whilst he smokes a cigarette and looks like he should have a set of skis in his hand, an old man walks past in two pairs of jeans, which has Annette staring in amazement whilst he stares back at her and then a little old lady with a 10 foot turban on her head rambles past. It was almost like we were in a movie script for Jumanji or something ... vey funny indeed!

On our way home we cycled past a lady walking her dog (off the lead) and Annette disappeared into the distance as I shouted ‘The dog is not interested in you … it is not even looking at you’ – poor Annette really doesn’t like dogs which makes it difficult for me because I am not that comfortable with them either and I have to chase her every time at jaw breaking speeds. At the underpass we also passed a couple of lads who shouted ‘oooh it is slippery down here’

Then when we reached our departure point we had a giggle whilst we both tried to mount our bikes whilst pushing off with one leg and cocking the other one over the saddle … sounds rude especially since we had also been talking about places to route our bikes (but we meant root).

Unfortunately we didn’t go into another world today but once we have worked out our time frames, fantasy land here we come.

In the sun-glass world...

Amanda :)


  1. Well, you were outside the Gnostic Centre so I suppose it is fair enough to expect some strange looking characters. Some of them could well have been authentic strange looking characters, while others could have been trying to look strange because they knew that they would be standing outside the Gnostic Centre and that passers-by would be expecting them to look strange. . . . . .Sounds like a great ride.

  2. Oh I do like your take on the Gnostic Centre! How silly we are! Cyclist, Fagged-ski-man and turban lady are all on the Gnostic Centre pay-roll and if we'd stayed long enough we could well have been treated to a repeat performance :D


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