March 5, 2010

Extreme cyclists!

Us Aussies really can't complain about the weather conditions... no matter how bad, wet, windy or anything they get... As I'm sitting here on the eve of going down to Cronulla for the Gear Up Girl ride tomorrow (with weather forecast predicting rain, thunder storms and windy conditions), I thought I'd share these photos with you...

Sweden is a small country way up north.... they get a lot of snow there - yet they still ride bikes; all year! One of our happy blog followers lives there and rides her bike every day: after seeing these photos, Greta is officially an HONORARY Biker Bunny! And we've run out of excuses for bad weather :)

   First you have to FIND your bike...

Then you may need to brush some snow off

Built for speed...

   Here comes Greta, swishing through the snow...

...and a basket full of snow

   Workplace bike racks... they all ride!

   And here's the bike path!

Hope you enjoy these as much as I do, having ridden in snow and ice I know it's not the easiest conditions to stay upright in (although you can be lucky with soft landings...). Thumbs up to our northern bunny and keep enjoying your cycling wherever you are!

Annette :)


  1. No, I can't say that I like riding in snow. Greta has my greatest admiration and I hope that, as a honorary bunny, she has also been given a pair of bunny ears!

  2. We will have to get on to that one asap... and quietly wondering here, I think at least one more honorary bunny may be lacking ears? ;)


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