July 16, 2009

Long Jetty - Toukley

The Ride stats
12th July 2009

Biker bunnies: Amanda, Noelle & (buck) Matt
Location: Jong Jetty to Toukley~ 29kms
Riding time: close to 2 hours
Attire: Bright orange vest(s)
Hazard: Plastic bottle interferes with biking bunny!!!!

This ride has been superbly documented by bunny Amanda, I'm merely posting it here for all of you to enjoy!

What a jolly delicious day it was on Sunday as Noelle, myself and Matt decided to conquer our longest ride yet – Long Jetty to Toukley which is close to 29 kms.

There I am getting dressed looking pretty hot (if I may say so myself – seriously joking) before I realized that I had to wear my construction site sleeveless orange vest – I assure you it is for safety not fashion reasons that I don this wonderful invention.

Anyway, unlike the Biker bunnies from Hell, we drive to our destination and then cycle merrily on our way. Noelle and I were not prepared for the hills I can assure you. When you drive this road it does not feel hilly until you actually take notice and then wow – where did that one come from?????????? After dodging all the littlies with their mum and dads on bikes and poor old Matt nearly fell off as a kid cycled straight in front of him – we got onto the hard leg of the ride. Don’t know the name of the road but boy are the hills horrible (when you are not fit) – if Matt hadn’t have been with us we would have taken about 50 breaks instead of 2. We got a five minute break as Matt had to field a work call and Noelle and I decided to support him resting! Not bad really but I must tell you there was a lot of panting and swearing and what the f**** did we do this for...

Word of warning – on our return cycle I got hit with some passing plastic bottle clipped by a car – I nearly fell off as it hit me in the head and then went under my back wheel. Wobble wobble shit I am scared – this fear turned into energy which I used to pedal as fast as I could to get off this bloody road. It did take us close to 2 hours but Matt reckons we could do it in one – so give it a go!

Highlight of the trip – stopping at Robbos CafĂ© de la Soul for a coffee and getting some freshly made doughnuts and coffee on the house – well cool!

We will be attempting to break our records on the Gosford to Woy Woy ride this Sunday for any takers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy cycling!



  1. Oh dear! I read through the account of your ride 3 times before (I think) I got the picture - I ended up slightly blurred by the hazard description and was initially convinced that some moron had THROWN the plastic bottle AT you!! Hoping this was not the case?? Yet still horrific for you to have to deal with blast to head while maintaining control of your bike at the same time!!

    Top marks for road safety and well deserved coffee and doughnuts! And yes totally looking forward to seeing you for Gosford Woy Woy ride on Sunday!!!

    Annette :)

  2. That was frightfully dangerous (the plastic bottle!). Congratulations for being so level-headed about it all. I think you did particularly well to have managed the trip in two hours - one hour is being 'way out' unrealistic (especially with motorists chucking bottles fromn cars)! All the best for Sunday!


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