October 23, 2009

Amanda's solo bunny ride

I swallowed a fly
Oh no not I....

Indeed I did! What a great start to my solo ride. The fact that I left my water bottle on my car and drove off leaving the bottle to rattle down my drive, unbeknownst to me until I had already set off on my solo cycle.

Oh never mind I thought as I cycled along merrily, I can always buy one at the little shop on the way. I decided to as fast as I could considering I hadn’t ridden for nigh on three weeks. Talking to myself I pushed myself harder and harder and then I did it – I swallowed a FLY!!!!!!!!!!!! It got stuck in my throat and I couldn’t do anything but swallow – yuk and no water to wash the nutritious meal down with either. I pulled over at the shop, fly in throat and delved into my pouch to discover that I only had 50cents – I did for one brief moment consider going into the shop and asking if I could get some tap water for 50cents but couldn’t be bothered getting off my bike only to be kicked out of the shop.

There were lots of merry cyclers on the path today and each and every one gave the nod or a big hearty smile. Got to Woy Woy in record time for a solo cyclist – 35 minutes and then continued on to the Peninsular Leisure Centre – what a pleasant ride it was even if I was dehydrating. It got so bad that I stopped at the toilets and took a sip of water (from the tap not the toilet bowl).

On the way home I passed a photographer taking a photo of yes you guessed it Belinda Neale on a bike – well she was standing with the bike I don’t know if she could actually ride it and the Major Chris Holstein was standing beside her. Now if Lou had been with us she would no doubt have stopped, pushed her breasts out and somehow got in the photo. But not I – I am the shy type so I cycled past chuckling at the unbelievable photo this would make.

And that is about it for my little adventure except for the last lap when suffering from severe dehydration I saw Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon in the woods!

Lesson to be learnt – NEVER GO ANYWHERE WITHOUT WATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amanda :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you poor thing! I mean, to swallow a fly AND be without water on the one and same ride! Perhaps the fact that you saw (were able to cycle past) Belinda and the mayor was to make up - in some small way - for all your suffering.


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