Mmmmmmmmm company aside I am not sure whether I enjoyed today's bike ride or not? Tor and I arranged to go on a short 30-40 km plus ride whilst Pam could babysit Loddie so there was really no going back. This was the first day Tor and I had ridden together (apart from Sydney) so we were both really looking forward to it. Rain Rain go away come back another day or as Tor kept saying ‘It will clear up in a minute' or ‘Blue Sky over there' – right so why were we always cycling under a black bucketing rain cloud???????
I left my car at the iBar and cycled to Tor's, by the time I reached there I was literally soaked. Not thinking it could get any worse, we set off on our merry way up the steepest of hills and around the back of the Entrance Road through bush or should I just say mini lakes and out onto the road. Whilst cycling through the bush Tor proceeded to tell me about the huge python she jumped over whilst trying to protect her children and nearly having her leg bitten off – I kid you not ask Tor!!!!!!!! (I may also add here that we should be called the Rebel Bunnies because we cycled along a path that specifically stated ‘Bushwalkers only'!! Let them try and stop us)!!!!!!
Panic set in but I couldn't cycle very fast because it was so bloody wet and I really didn't want to put my foot in a muddy puddle. Some time later we emerged from the bush beaten and bruised but elated at reaching the other end. Rain was coming down so heavy now that I thought for one brief minute that it was hail stoning. We took shelter under a tree but alas it was not really shelter just another way of getting wet. Shivering and shaking we decided to brave the rain and cycled into The Entrance where for a brief five minutes it stopped raining and we felt the warmth of something I believe is called the sun on our backs.
That was it – the rest of the way home we were literally attacked by sheets of rain straight into our eyes. We stopped for shelter at the shops but realized that it was never going to stop so cycled on in the now cold rain. At one point I couldn't see I had so much water flooding into my eyes (and I am seriously not exaggerating).
Tor with a constant smile on her face, me with madness in my eyes cycled through puddles as deep as the Nile screaming Yahoo we are bloody mad!!!!!!!!! Some puddles were warm, some were ice cold but they all made us laugh as waterfalls came out of our shoes and we sat in puddles of cold water in our knickers ( I didn't have any knickers on as I was wearing my bike pants but they weighed 150 kilos by the end of it)
Two hours of cycling in the heavy rain and then we hit Wamberal Road where we could smell the coffee at the iBar – I put my bike in the car whilst poor Tor braved the cafĂ©, drenched, flat headed and still with that by now mad smile on her face. Then we met Noelle and sat under a blanky like little ole ladies sipping our coffee and shivering.
When we cycled through the golf club the oldies commented on how mad we were cycling in the rain to which Tor replied rather valiantly ‘well you're playing golf' and we got beeped a couple of times by young lads who thought we looked hot – little did they realize we were cold! No I think they beeped us to make sure that we realized we were MAD STARK RAVING MAD!
Amanda :)
And... here's bunny Tor's first post on our blog (hooray!):
Well... what can I say...... Amanda has described our lovely wet bike ride so very well. I did enjoy it, very much in fact - but as you know I am a bit weird like that. I had been longing to go on a ride with any of the bunnies for such a long time, so there was NO WAY a bit of rain was going to stop me! I was pleasantly surprised when Amanda still agreed to come along, even more suprised when she turned up in my driveway soaking wet! Off we went, and it did look like the weather might clear up, but, no matter how hard we peddled that big black cloud was over us most of the way. It was a most joyous ride, as I could hear Amanda laughing most of the way, especially as we peddled through puddles that were nearly up to our knees!!!! We are sooooooooooo extreme! We even went off road for a little while and got mud on our faces... we are just so cool!
It was lovely however to chill out at the ibar under our blankie (aka dog towell) with the lovely noeybella for company. The only problem being that then I had to bike home again, via the primary school to change home readers. I did look a bit of a state, in an extreme bunny sort of way, but when I saw my son at primary school he just looked at me, in an embarrassed sort of way as if he didn't want to acknowledge me! I can't understand why? Yes stark raving mad and probably a tad irresponssible but lots of fun..... and a rather good work out..... and amazingly, we didn't pick up a single leech in the wet bush!
Tor :)
and... the Photos to prove it:
You poor things! I really felt for you, knowing what it feels to be drenched through and not having any option but to 'push on'. By the way, I didn't realize that we had man-eating pythons on the Central Coast - perhaps this something for the local paper. Did you manage to get a photo?