The Ride
31st July 2009
Riding bunnies - Amanda and Annette
Meeting point - Gosford pool
This ride could almost be dubbed "the little piggy ride" given that both of us had been incapacitated for over a week with the flu from hell - originating from pigs, swine, giraffes... in the end it didn't really matter: Being sick is boring enough! So... 2 brave and somewhat shaky bunnies met up at Gosford pool intent on clearing out the cobwebs.
This ride is turning into a bit of a bench mark, as we've now covered the meandering pathway between Gosford and Woy Woy quite a few times. The scenery is lovely, especially along the water, traffic is minimal which gives you more time to look at the scenery. The ride can be a leisurly one - or you can ride against the proverbial clock (some bunnies reckon it can be done in an hour flat ;) ). The pathway has a tendency to offer up surprises along the way; there are the giant puddles (mini lakes), aptly named 'wheel washes' or 'bum washes' depending on the speed you ride across the vast masses of water..., there are also the 5-yearold dare-devils on small bicycles hellbent on out-riding you, but doing so while weaving uncontrollably from one side of the path to the other - all the while looking behind to see if you're catching up (main thought in my head tends to be 'this kid is going to collide with a tree any second'). Apart from puddles and kamikaze bikers, there are birds and soccer players to brighten up the scenery as you make your way along the parkland, not a dull moment, and the lack of traffic makes it possible to have a chat along the way as well :)
So... as convalescing bunnies on bikes, we cruised along in the morning sun, taking things somewhat slower than normal, but still riding along at a happy bunny pace. At one point we even overtook two somewhat older guys on bikes, who referred to us as 'speedsters' - it wasn't the label we were expecting for the day, but we definitely wore it with pride and a laugh :)
A short break at the half way mark in Woy Woy, where we admired the silly fountain & took some photos, before embarking on the return journey. We got rid of the cobwebs and had plenty of sun on our faces, making it a truly enjoyable ride :) At office works we parted ways and Amanda cycled back to Gosford pool, while I cycled on up to Kariong, in waving good-bye we managed to break most traffic rules, including cycling on the wrong side of the road... still we safely made it to our destinations without needing the 'damsel in distress' card :)
The Stats
Riding distance - 24km (34.5 with down & up Kariong hill)
Riding time - approx 1.5 hours to complete the Gosford Woy Woy return
Heart rate - average: 120 max: 168
Stay safe and well and look forward to the next bunny ride :)
You both did very well, considering that you had both been sick. By the way, where is the fountain in Woy Woy???!!!