16th May 2009
A gorgeous bikeride from Gosford to Woy Woy (returning the same way) via Adcock park and and following the shared pathway along the waterfront in Point Clare & Tascott.
Meeting point: Gosford Pool
Meeting time: 7:15am Sharp (!!!) with the yet to be named (but growing) group of biking girls.
Riders: Janine, Lou, Allison and Annette.
We set off just after 7:15 in the morning – cold fresh air and a beautiful ride along the
waterfront in Gosford. We cruised over the bridge and in for a scenic look at Adcock Park. The bay to bay is a mostly off-road (paved pathway), flattish ride with lots of gorgeous water scenery along the way.
Posture check – good
Heart rate – cruising along fine
Map – oh no! – I let everyone down this time (forgot map) so we had to trust that our feminine intuition and visual interpretations of the landscape would guide us all the way to Woy Woy ;)
At Fishermans Warf in Woy Woy we took a short break; a few stretches with an irratic fountain providing spurts of entertainment.
We turned our bikes around and completed the return leg of the 24 km ride. Sun up and spirits high, what a great way to start a weekend!
The Stats
Riding Distance: 24 km
Calories burnt (according to our trusted monitoress miss Lou): 500
Average heartrate (sourced from heart monitor attached to miss Lou): 115
Riding time: Roughly 1 ½ hours
The Map
...now a certain someone couldn’t pass up the challenge of riding up Kariong hill (guess who...)
Bike back out of the car; Lou knuckled down & joined Annette on her homeward bound journey – a 4.5 km constant climb up the gruelling hill. Egged on by the beauty of the scenery (yeah right), & the engouragement of workmen shouting their support; she made it to the top in style!
Stats for the hill challenge
Distance: 7km (Gosford pool to Kariong Shell service station)
Working heartrate: ~150 (max heart rate ~170)
Calories burnt: 315
Thanks for the fun and the awesome riding company girls!
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