June 13, 2012

Kincumber Mountain Ride

Having recently been to an engagement party at Kincumber mountain and discovering how nice it is I got this rather silly idea into my head that it would be jolly nice to cycle up it! Mmmmm not such a good idea in hindsight especially when we were both fighting off the flu-like-virus that is haunting the coast at the moment.

So on a sunny but chilly Friday, Annette and I decided to conquer the mountain and conquer it we did! Not as easy as that though.

We parked our cars at the catholic school and I immediately realised this was going to be harder than I had thought. The entrance was the steepest part and as we tried to pick up speed, Black Beauty decided that rolling backwards would be a better option, so cleated in I started rolling backwards... An accident was waiting to happen so I quickly un-cleated  (in a major panic) and managed to calm my beating heart and pedal as hard as I could to the first respite point which was about 3 minutes away. I can tell you that obviously Annette was already there waiting for me but neither of us had breathed so hard in our entire lives from such a short pedal. We had to cycle up in short bursts and rest continuously as it was bloody hard going. Luckily for us whenever we came across walkers or runners we were actually on a flat area where it was easier to cycle; so we looked like bloody awesome hard core cyclists ha ha.

Half way up the mountain we were both laughing at how hard it was and Annette said if I could make it to a particular spot she would buy me a cake so with something sweet to look forward to I pedalled my heart out and managed to make it to the cake spot. With not long to go we both put our best pedal forward and went as hard as we could and made it to the hut. And it was worth it. However after half an hour of cycling we had only cycled 2 kms. Give it a go though cos it is bloody hard!

When we reached the top, the rocks were calling for a Lion King impersonation so we both took it in turns to be Simba and then we jumped on our bikes ready for an awesome ride down. Well for some of us it was awesome but that is because I can actually see when I ride. Annette couldn’t see the bumps and pot holes and I had to shout bump bump bump. All I could hear as I sped down the mountain was Arrrrrrhhhhhhhhhhhhh, oh my god, helllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllp and some rather unusual bird noises and the sound of brakes wearing against the wheels. Annette couldn’t see and was petrified.

Finally with lots of laughter and elation we cycled off to a coffee shop for CAKE and coffee.

Where to next?

Amanda :)

Before the stats and photos a quick word from that other rider.... 

The hill was indeed short, but oh so steep! With the Catholic school just down the road, we had an additional concern, considering our choice of language both going up and down the mountain - maybe this is how the bird imitations entered the 'room' (on top of all the #&@$%&...). Poor Amanda got a bum cramp going up the mountain, which nearly landed her in the bushes (the problem of being stuck to the pedals)... She was trying to get out of the way of some workmen in a truck... her swift moves pulled the all too famous Gluteus Maximus (in the wrong direction mind you) and almost had her swinging on a branch with the bell birds... Luckily disaster was avoided and the birds chirped encouraging notes for our never-say-die heroine.

Going up was HARD, a feat we celebrated in style by posing as lions on the top of the mountain (ask the other rider).... coming back down was positively HORRENDOUS!!! When the road (track) is jotted with pot holes and the brakes don't know the meaning of slowing down because it is way too steep; there is nothing left to do but scream, scream some more, swear and then imitate the bell birds at top volume!

The highlights on this ride (apart from the delightful company) were: the view at the top - awesome! the air going up the hill - very refreshing indeed.... the workmen on the hill (which I think we managed to confuse or amuse)... and the coffee and cake nearing the end of our adventure..... AND to top it all off: This short but seriously steep hill ride was brought to us by: Amanda - the secret queen of hills :)

Annette :)

Ride Stats

Time Cycling: 40 minutes (felt longer!)
Total Time: 1 hour 55 min (that's including coffee... :))
Distance covered: ...... 7km (felt longer!)
Speed: 11.1km/h (average) 59.7km/h (max)
Heart Rate: 173 (max) 131 (average)
Calories: 864

Kincumber Mountain - the picture doesn't show how steep it is...

I'm going to make it to the CAKE spot... I AM!

Are we there yet...?

OK... keep on pedalling upwards...

I see the Light - but my legs hurt and I've got bum cramp!

Happy Snappies at the top of the hill... 

Some biker taking a rest (probably caught a taxi to the top...)

Arrrghhh - Lion impersonation number 1

Arrrgghhhh - yep there's another one...