March 24, 2012

Hills Galore...

25 km of hills … what was I thinking? When I planned this ride in my head surprisingly the hills never popped up saying – DON’T DO IT!

Meeting at IGA the excited threesome chattered away, touched and admired Tor’s new highly visible Lorna Jane shorts whilst Netti got dressed and undressed and then off we went. Cruising up through Erina was easy and then along Avoca Drive seemed easy to begin with but the hills are actually rather hard and my heart rate was jolly high. I even thought I was going to be sick...

You can pick up some serious speed going downhill but always remember what goes down must eventually go up (the opposite to Newton’s theory – he obviously didn’t ride a bike).

We cycled along Avoca Drive to the second roundabout, which I think is the Davistown turn off and then looped back the way we came. The Terminators, as I like to call them because they never bloody stop, cycled up the hills like pros and no I don’t mean prostitutes (although we did talk about pimping out my son at one stage!). Classy ladies!

Thank god the traffic lights turned red because that was the only way I was going to keep up and luckily for me I had gathered up downhill speed for the uphill ride leaving them at the traffic lights from a starting position. Then along the punt bridge (actually along the road) and over lots of uneven tree stumped lined cycle path we turned off at East Gosford traffic lights and went along Althorpe St – a quiet backstreet which runs parallel with… something or other.

At the end of this road is an extremely steep hill that I had to stop for a breath (which is quite difficult in cleats going uphill at such a slow speed). The Terminators powered on and waited for me at the top of the hill (as usual) and then we turned onto Springfield Rd and with the end in sight I pumped my little legs as hard as I could. I arrived at the traffic lights onto the Entrance Road dreaming of rest and a coffee when this little voice shouts from behind “Amanda”. Oh NO I thought, what does Annette want? Not wanting to stop whilst I was going uphill, and secretly knowing that Annette wanted to add some more cycling time, I kept cycling until Annette had caught up with me and then the dreaded words “let’s keep going”.

So we turned left at the lights and cycled to the Grammar School and along the back roads of Matcham before turning around and coming back to IGA. Along the way we battled gale force winds and flying tree branches, and we looked out for the mafia and our little Lilliputian friends but to no avail. Annette suggested we look for hob nobs until I told her that they were biscuits – so she was out looking for talking chocolate hob nobs – what a nutter!

And that my dear ladies was our Friday ride followed by a lush cup of coffee and some friendly chatter!

Amanda :)

Before I include the photos from our adventure - I need to add that along our 10km add on detour we came across 2 hair-raising dog moments.... The first one was a black dog playing chase with cars..., he waited behind the bins just next to the road and then JUMPED out to chase each car that passed by! For some life saving reason he decided that 3 mad girls on bikes weren't worth the trouble & we pedalled past (some at lightning speed).... The second wasn't really any trouble, just someone being a wuss... the (big) dog was safely on a lead - and even stopped off the side of the road while we zoomed past. Our detour was most delightful (despite the lack of talking chocolate biscuits), and gave us a pleasant taste of the countryside after zooming up and down the busy roads.

Ride Stats:

Distance Cycled: 25.6 km
Time Cycling: 1 hour 30 min
Total Time: 2 hours 5 min
Speed: Average: 17km/h  Max: 56.4km/h
Calories Burnt: 972
Heart Rate: Average: 132 Max 172

Posing bunny at the start...

... pity you can't see Tor's hot pink shorts :)

Big smiles after all those hills!

Coffee after bike ride = bliss! :)
Happy riding!

March 12, 2012

85km Loop the Lake - 2012

Oh what a fabulous challenge this was! Loop the Lake takes you all the way around Lake Macquarie and throws in hills, magnificent undulating road, fantastic scenery... and lots of friendly marshals & volunteers along the way! We have wanted to do this ride for a few years, but this is the first time any of the biker bunny contingency actually made it to the start (and the finish!).

The beautiful view of the lake seen from near Belmont

Token bunny Amanda...
Sadly poor bunny Amanda could not partake - her habit of leaving parties in 'style' has landed her with a bump on her head - meaning that 5 hours with a helmet would have been pure torture... So, we decided to bring token bunny Amanda along for the ride - and boy did she have a blast of a ride!

Getting there
Tor and I met up at Gosford train station (after my ride in the dark down Kariong hill)  in time to catch the 6:15 am train to Teralba. With the ticket office closed and ticket machine not accepting notes, it was lucky Tor had brought her card or we would have had to travel sans tickets :) The train ride gave us an hour to repack and check our things -  Tor's camel pack started the day with an annoying drip-drop that persisted throughout the day and eventually had her fling the tube over her back. All else was good though, and we arrived in Teralba deciding to follow the other cyclists hoping they knew where the start was - luckily they did. Once at Spears Point Park, we got our rider numbers and were off in a matter of minutes (after taking the compulsory pre-ride photos)...

Tor with token Amanda on the train

Annette trying to look as fresh as Amanda...

Whoo-hoo we're about to set off!

Helmet: check -  Sunnies: check - Amanda: check

The Hilly Start...
We coasted out of Spears Point Park and down past Teralba along the cycleway on Five Islands Rd. Soon the hills began and the road persisted with lots of up and downs for the next 20km. What a great way to wake up! There were lots of riders on the road and most were very friendly and happy to wave or say hello.

At this early part of the ride however, we did see a number of the so called 'serious riders' who ride 3 or 4 abreast and are unable to respond to calls of good-morning or even a simple hello... Later on in the ride we merely saw evidence of these riders by way of their discarded drink bottles and energy food wrappings - shame on them! Apart from these guys everyone else along the way were truly fabulous!

Setting out on our 85km ride

Annette, Tor (and Amanda) at Myuna Bay

Muffins and the undulating road...
Our first rest stop; in a little park just behind Morisset, marked a fabulous end to the the (more) hilly section of our ride. The muffin and tea ladies were all smiles and provided such a welcome energy boost: Tor raved about her cup of tea and decided that the chocolate muffin (delicious) turned her day around - and I couldn't agree more! We signed a petition for a cycleway, socialised with the volunteers and other riders (our biker bunny t-shirts were noticed :)) and Tor did some good yoga stretches on the ground before we mounted up for the next leg of the ride...

We left Morisset all refreshed and made our way along Wyee road, which eventually brought us onto the slightly more hazardous Rutleys road, where we were advised to ride single file (definitely a good point as the shoulder is practically non existent along here). The marshals were very helpful and we even saw a motorcycle police book a driver for playing silly-buggers with cyclists (passengers yelling out the window and driver doing some very risky overtaking on double unbroken lines)! Finally we reached Doyalson (the Doylo') and cruised out on to the undulating Pacific Hwy, which I have to say would be my favourite stretch of the ride: Long slopes and rises along a wide shouldered road - absolutely perfect! :)

Ahh! What a lovely cup of tea!

This one looks fresh as a daisy...

Tor with the lovely muffin lady...

After chocolate muffin boost!

Tor all smiles along Wyee road

Annette with her passenger...

The long road ahead...

Some beautiful trees along the way

Ahh that undulating road! - near Catherine Hill Bay

Nearing the end...
Our next rest stop was outside the Big Prawn on the Pacific Hwy, where we re-filled our water bottles and chatted with the water man and some friendly riders. Amanda true to form, chatted up one of the guys and even had her photo taken with him... :) We shared jellybeans and snakes with our new found friends (the water man was something of an expert, he admitted to being a jellybean freak and had no problem identifying these as 'natural' jellybeans), and took some more photos before embarking on the next leg towards Belmont.

My left and right confusion threw in a hairy moment when I was passing a guy, and called out Passing on Left (when I should have said Right!!!) - luckily he didn't veer and there was no collision! Not wanting to startle people or appear rude, I have resorted to all sorts of phrases when passing other cyclists: Good Morning, Hello-Hello-Hello, and Sorry-Coming through-Coming through! - I think it's good advice to be brief and just call Passing... ;)

The rest stop at Belmont had me out of my shoes with a toe cramp - painful but thankfully a hop around without shoes made it go away. The lovely volunteers provided a selection of fruits for energy waning cyclists - they had delicious oranges cut in quarters and we must have had at least 6 each! Tor also brought out her yummy yoghurt covered fruity snacks to get us pumped for the last 16km!

Near Little Pelican and further up past Swansea, we got some amazing water views, which we captured as proof of circumnavigating the lake.

Water re-filling and all smiles...

(3) riders at the Big Prawn rest stop

Here comes the freshest rider of the day...

Bunny Amanda chatting up the guys...

Rearing to continue the ride...

Foot cramp at Belmont... ouch!

Little Pelican - just after the bridge

Tor showing us the view...

Now that is one silly smile...

The Finish...
The last section of the ride threw in a few hills, not too bad but enough to feel it - we were told there was a hill taking us past the hospital, only there appeared to be 2 hospitals (both with hills)! The last hill gave us a lovely decent down into Warners Bay, from where we could feel the finish line getting closer and we soldiered on bravely to cross the finish line with HUGE smiles!

The signs throughout the ride were great (despite the spelling)!

Not far to go now...

Happy Tor at the Finish line after 85km cycling!

Yes! We did it!

And here she comes - fresh as a daisy after 85km!

We had 10 minutes to make the 1:50 pm train from Teralba station and (madly) decided to make a run for it. So once our finish photos were taken, we hopped back on our bikes and ignored screaming leg muscles as we cycled towards the station as fast as we could... Problem: train station is on the 'other' side of Five Islands Rd, and we ended up having to lift our bikes over the barricade and then cross the busy road with 1 minute to go! Drama, muscle pain and suspense increased with every second as we pedalled down towards the station... The train was pulling into the station as we were carrying our (now super heavy) bikes up the (million) steps above the platform - Tor gritted her teeth and decided that either you miss the train by heaps or you DON'T miss it! She hoppetty hopped down to the platform and made sure that we got on that train, with yours truly lumbering down the stairs in a not so elegant fashion (I did have an extra passenger mind you)! Finally on the train, we could relax and enjoy our return journey with apples and snake lollies - feeling the achievement of the day seeping through all the sweat and grime - Well Done Bunnies! :)

Ride stats:
Loop the Lake Distance: 85 km
Total Distance Cycled: 93.7km (Tor) 105.9km (Annette)
Speed: 18.8km/h (average) 59.6 (max)
Calories Burnt: 3062
Time Cycled: 4 hours 56 minutes
Total Time (Loop the lake + station rides): 6 hours 36 minutes

The Map:

Happy riding all bunnies, and hope you can make the next one - this is truly a fabulous ride!

Annette :)

March 10, 2012

Ride Updates

While the Biker Bunnies have been finding time to ride, there doesn't seem to have been much time to post about rides on our blog, which is why I thought on the eve of the  Loop the Lake  ride - I'd add some photos from our latest adventures...

November 2011 - February 2012
Gosford to Ettalong and back
A sunny pre-summer day in November, took us on a slightly longer than our trusted Gossie-Wossie ride... We continued past Woy Woy down to Ettalong - where we had a most interesting coffee experience (which included a lecture on the failures of making a strong coffee :P)... and a browse in the outdoor shopping arcade area, before embarking on the return pedal. All up this adventure covered about 35km.

Amanda at the start near Gosford Pool

Tor arriving in Woy Woy

The waterfront between Woy Woy and Ettalong

...hmmm interesting coffee indeed!

... couldn't agree more :)

Ettalong cycle path with the Jacaranda in full bloom

Gossie Wossie Rides and more...
Amanda and I fitted in a few rides to Woy Woy and back before the Christmas rush. Then early in the new year (after another bout of rainy days), Tor - with her brand new bike came along for an adventure along a slightly wetter bike path. After coasting along for years on her old (but still lovely) bike, Tor literally flew to Woy Woy and back on her aptly named (female) Stallion:

Coming out of the railway tunnel at Point Claire

Biker Bunnies with style :)

Amanda's bike is 'looking after' the new Stallion...

Early February Amanda and I did a hilly ride around Springfield (no camera on board for this one sadly). We started in Erina and cycled down towards the art gallery where we turned into the back streets of East Gosford and Springfield. There are a few decent hills along the way, which gave us a chance to grunt and pedal through the lower gears for a while. Almost at the end of our loop (finish line in sight),  yours truly came up with the idea that we could turn around and double back the way we came to make it a longer (and hillier) ride. Amanda delightfully accepted (you know she secretly loves hills...) and proved a star going up the mad hill where the round-about is painfully positioned before you get to the top... No time for coffee at the end of this ride, but it was still a fabulous adventure :)

Bike re-vamp...
After spending the early part of its life being pink it was time for mini-Amanda's bike to have a re-vamp. With spray cans and stickers at hand, we embarked on a mission to give her bike a new look. This involved cleaning the bike, pumping the tyres, oiling the chain and masking (some) areas before taking aim with the spray can - and here's the groovy result:

Hope you're all well and stay tuned for an update on the Loop the Lake ride which we're off to do tomorrow!

Annette :)

March 9, 2012

Famous Cyclists

I was going to post this a few weeks back when my sister sent me this cute photo of her cycling with both her kids through Brisbane. Whoever took the photo thought it was such a great show of cycling that they're now using it as one of their header images on the Bicycle Queensland website :)

cheers all and happy cycling!

Annette :)